Grow You

Where We Start

The starting point for you transforming your relationships, your business and aspects of our world, is you transforming you, So, the STEEP Renaissance Dream Team has designed 17 initial DIY programs to guide and support you. You’ll receive them in your weekly drip-feed email Insights, and posted here regularly on this website.

Your transformation is progressive and ongoing.  Each day, each week, you create and live your life, express your love, and manifest an abundant career oriented around  BIG purposes.

Here is something to think about:

In 2023, Easter, Ramadan, and Passover all came together for the first time in 33 years. For all the three great Abrahamic religions – this is a time of reflection.

So, we were enchanted to re-discover this quote from the Yoga Sūtras of Patañja. These ancient aphorisms from Yoga and older religious traditions, were synthesised by the Indian sage Patanja in the early years of the Christian era.

The quote we've included is about Purpose. We can’t find another who has conveyed the importance of Purpose better than this. Have you?

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extra-ordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds:

  • Your mind transcends limitations.
  • Your consciousness expands in every direction. You find yourself in a new and wonderful world.
  • Dormant forces, faculties, and talents come to life. You discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.


Tranform, grow and change yourself with these ten DIY tools
Empower yourself with DIY tools and techniques that enable you to transform into the best version of yourself day by day in every way. Discover how to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals.
Mindware to kick-start the new you
By Neville Christie
As our world goes topsy turvy…here’s fantastic news for you to think about…
“Our relentless, positive drive towards total holistic wellness, and being the best versions of us…pushes away unskilled behaviour [ ‘sin’ ]…removes obstacles in our path… cures any unwellness…transforms our ‘bad’ habits into far better ones…and creates far better futures for us all.” - an unusually long #Nevilleism.
Changing all our mind sets is now a vital issue for our survival and thrival. How come? Well, the BIG THREE C’s of Community, Cooperation, and Collaborative Innovation, have the power to prevent the world's people, cultures, and nations being torn apart

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