Changing mindsets - yours and others

Changing all our mind sets is now a vital issue for our survival and thrival.

How come? Well, the BIG THREE C’s of Community, Cooperation, and Collaborative Innovation, have the power to prevent the world's people, cultures, and nations being torn apart.

Torn apart...

TORN APART by climate change, geo-political conflict, pandemics, the huge needs for reinvestment in energy, new buildings above flood plains, new infrastructure, moving millions away from low-lying islands. and the like.

These, big issues, and the need to adopt the three C’s and much more, require multiple mindset changes, at every level of our global society.

Lots of tools to come here.

So…over time this module will be populated with lots of insights, ideas, tools, techniques, technologies that assist us change our mind sets – and those of others – from this… to that…

Setting the scene

To set the scene for what you will find here progressively… We have imagined a lively dialogue between a senior executive of the United Nations, Dr Henry Crisp. and our multi-discipline expert, Dr Peter Pronto… A dialogue about some of the mind set changes needed... And what the research says can brings these changes about.

Conversation between Dr Crisp & Dr Pronto

Mindfulness and meditation practices - two DIY power Pills
Wednesday 12 February 2025
by Neville D. Christie
Insight 0014: Explore two initial powerful DIY techniques that infuse who you are - and all you do - with fresh zest, energy, and Real Magic.
A personal revelation that changed my life
Insight 014 - When I was 12, standing at the brink of awesome adolescence, I was mesmerized by the tale of Aladdin and the Genie of the Magic Lamp. At that age, I asked myself, What did I truly want? At first, everything already seemed readily in my reach. But then life intervened in a way I couldn’t have predicted.
Your gizmo – a weird behaviour change tool
Insight 013 - Today we share with you a rare device – known about by only a select few. It’s essential for changing your thoughts, feelings and behaviour - from not serving you well - to serving you super well.
Find and apply proven psychological anchors to ground you.
In times of turmoil, like now, we all benefit from applying proven psychological anchors that ground us in a shifting world. The blogs you receive as a member of STEEP Renaissance, provide you with many such anchors, and with tips and techniques for how you apply them.
We have imagined a lively dialogue between a senior executive of the United Nations, Dr Henry Crisp. and our in-house psychologist, Dr Peter Pronto. A dialogue about some of the mind set changes needed.

As a Founding Member of STEEP Renaissance you can play an important role by collaborating with the core STEEP Renaissance team, and other members to create a shared training course in ‘Co-creating a Mastery in Collaborative Innovation Course.’  Or, in ‘Co-creating Becoming a Master of Transformation Course.’ .

  • Fortify and future-proof your existing businesses,
  • Collaboratively craft a myriad of ground-breaking innovations,
  • Innovate distinct business models,
  • Make a genuine and positive impact on changing global warming,
  • Leverage your revitalized core businesses to spawn add-on joint ventures,
  • Tap into new markets, 7+ sources of positive cash flow, and fresh forms of abundance,
  • Pave the way for different and superior futures, by actively participating in the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions, and the emerging STEEP Renaissance.

Learn about - Mastery of Collaborative Innovation



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