Activate your gizmo to enhance your behaviour and change your world

Another mindware tool from STEEP Renaissance - that kick-start you to ‘become the best possible version of you.’ 

Key words:   Behaviour change, transformative techniques, personal growth, self-awareness, mindset control, adaptability.

Your gizmo – a weird behaviour change tool

This Insight 0012 is a must-do one. So please read, digest, and action pronto!

Today we share with you a rare device – known about by only a select few.  It’s essential for changing your thoughts, feelings and behaviour - from not serving you well  - to serving you super well. 

AND for you to activate your inner wish-granting at will. [Which is the theme of our next Insight, 0013].  So, you fast track your growth towards joy, zing, zest, and real magic.

Your gizmo – a weird behaviour change tool

Your ‘secret’ devise is weird.  It’s wonderful.  And it works mightily. 

I call it a Gizmo.  Which is the term used to refer to a tool or device that performs a particular function.   But is hard to describe precisely.  Or isn't commonly named

When you’ve got used to using it, please write to tell us how life-changing you activating your Gizmo is.

Aladdin's treasure trove - access yours. Access your unique treasure trove

Reading the STEEP Insights, you have been party to a unique treasure trove of personal, team, and business transformative techniques - which has been quietly incubating, and multiplying on the web.  And still is.

One of your fellow members has called it both an Ali Baba’s cave of available treasures. 

And an Aladdin’s Lamp of ways to create infinite abundance. 

Core focus

The core focus of this treasure trove is to enable us all to become the very best versions of us... in some, or all, of the 54+ ‘domains’ where we live, love, learn, work, play and have our being.

Your Gizmo is the key to you actioning these treasures... And gaining extra-ordinary benefit.

Initiate ongoing change: Use your 'gizmo' to activate your awareness

Is your inner switch ready for transformation?

The "Gizmo" technique is a simple, effective way to activate your self-awareness whenever you feel a need to shift your thinking, feelings, or actions.

By using a physical stimulus, you engage your mind and body in a quick, grounding ritual.

This stimulus might be gently tapping your third eye, pressing a "switch" you imagine on your temple, making the elastic band on your wrist sting, stretching your left ear lobe, or massaging your wrist where you wear a watch.

This helps you pause, observe, and redirect your mental state before reacting.


This technique empowers you to take immediate control over your ‘automatic’ mindset and responses. It reduces impulsivity, enhances clarity, and promotes thoughtful, purposeful reactions.

With consistent practice, your Gizmo cue becomes a mental and behavioural anchor that helps you quickly assess a situation, make conscious choices, and cultivate adaptability.  Rather vital, is it not?

As a Habit

As you embed a Gizmo technique in your daily routine, you reinforce your commitment to your personal growth and first-class behaviour.  Your gizmo is ultra-simple to activate.  And it’s your constant reminder to stay aligned to becoming the best version of you.  

Over time, it becomes second nature and allows you to reframe situations and enhance your emotional, mental and psychological balance at any moment.

The ‘naturalness’ of your gizmo means you can apply it readily in multiple social situations where you might otherwise react or act impulsively – with unfortunate consequences.

End of the free part one.... 

Part two is about how you apply your Gizmo.  It is for members only.

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