Discover how to get everything you need and want

Another mindware tool from STEEP Renaissance - that kick-start you to ‘become the best possible version of you.’ 

Key words:  personal growth, Aladdin’s lamp, inner Genie, personal development, life transformation, Gestalt exercise, self-reflection.

Part One:  A personal revelation that changed my life

There's something I've never shared until now – but alluded to in Insight 0010. 

It’s a story that I hope inspires you to stay actively connected with the STEEP Renaissance community.

Because the growing treasure trove of personal growth insights you’ll keep finding here, has the power to transform your life in unimaginable, bountiful, amazing ways.

And, if it the treasures you receive here each week sparks your own fast-growth journey, I encourage you to share the experience.   And invite others to join us. 

Wishing you all you wish for you, 

Neville D Christie

To my confession...
A personal revelation that changed my life

Aladdin and His Endless Wishes

When I was 12, standing at the brink of awesome adolescence, I was mesmerized by the tale of Aladdin and the Genie of the Magic Lamp. Unlike the common version of the story, Aladdin’s lamp didn’t just grant three wishes.  It offered an endless flow of them.

All he had to do was decide what he wanted, rub the lamp, and ask. The Genie would then grant his wish.

At that age, I asked myself, What did I truly want? At first, everything already seemed readily in my reach. But then life intervened in a way I couldn’t have predicted.

When Fate Steps In

Out of the blue, my world shifted. My father suffered a major breakdown.  He could not walk or work. This left me to take up the role of breadwinner while still balancing school.

Suddenly, I knew what I wanted and needed.  It wasn’t just about frivolous wishes anymore.  It was about survival – of me, and family.

Discovering My Inner Genie

During those uncertain times, an inexplicable realization dawned on me. Deep within, I had a magic lamp and a Genie of my own. The power to activate them came from within my mind and soul.

With that understanding, I invented an imaginary device.  A gizmo, a switch, located at my right temple. Each activation was a trio of deliberate clicks—click, click, click. And my inner Genie awoke to my bidding,

My first wish? To stay in school. Click-click-click.  Done. The second? For my father to recover. Click-click-click.  Answered, albeit slowly.

A bold third wish

Since I was six, I had always found ways to earn pocket money while supporting causes like the Blind Institute. Did my young self, sense that overcoming blindness would become significant in my later life? Perhaps.

With newfound resolve, my third wish emerged: to create micro businesses that could generate enough income for my family and me. Click-click-click. Within that first year, three business ideas materialized. By the second year, there were two more.

Real Magic in Action

In a surprisingly short time, I was earning three to four times the average wage, supporting my family, staying in school, and even finding time, and the cash, to date.

What started as an inner spark grew into a resounding, insight and a practice, that has illuminated my entire life. These early adventures were later chronicled by colleagues in Confessions of a Precocious Entrepreneur (available on Amazon).

The Power of Asking Yourself: What Do You Want?

Fast forward to recent years. I’ve facilitated fast-track personal growth sessions as part of the inspiring 'Uncommon Experiences' tribe. We called them Gestalt groups, a term that means "wholeness" in German.

One of the most eye-opening exercises was partnering up and repeatedly asking each other for 3–5 minutes: “What do you want? What do you want?  What do you want?”

The feedback? Most participants found it profoundly challenging. For many, it had been years since they’d paused to ask themselves what they truly desired. Life, as they realized, had been running on autopilot.

A Question to Ponder Before Moving Forward

So, before we explore how you can activate your inner Genie and manifest your life’s deepest desires, pause for a moment. Ask yourself: What do you want?  What do you want? What do you want?

Aladdin’s story

As we mentioned in Insight 0010, the story of Aladdin's lamp is one of the most well-known tales from One Thousand and One Nights. In this story, Aladdin a young boy from a poor, widowed, family, is tricked by a sorcerer into retrieving a magical lamp from a cave.

The sorcerer gives Aladdin a magic ring, with three wishes, for his protection.  But the Sorcerer has darker intentions.


Aladdin, while trapped in the cave – a metaphor for our deep, hidden, psyche –  rubs the lamp and releases a powerful Genie who grants him infinite wishes.  These far surpass the three-wish limit offered by the sorcerer’s ring.

Of course, the sorcerer only wanted to use Aladdin to gain access to the lamp’s infinite potential.  But through his insight and courage, Aladdin keeps control of the lamp.

After he escapes the cave, the Genie of the Lamp transforms his life.   He wins the heart of a princess, becomes wealthy beyond measure, and is highly respected for his good works.

Unlimited Power

At one level, this archetypal story illustrates the universal struggle between ‘bad’ intent and ‘good’ intent.

“Black magic and white magic both use the same techniques.   But they get very different outcomes.  The difference lies in the intent.”  - a #Nevilleism.

At another level, the Genie of the Lamp symbolizes unlimited power and the capacity to manifest desires with ease.  While the ring represents limited potential, bound by restrictive thinking, and envisioning.

The Infinite Wish-Creating Capacity of Our Minds

The Genie in Aladdin's lamp reflects the immense creative capacity within our own minds and psyches. Just as Aladdin accessed infinite wishes by freeing the Genie, we too have an infinite potential for creativity, transformation, and wish-fulfillment within ourselves. And as we co-operate, collaborate and innovate within our tribe, and our community.

Self-imposed limitations

The sorcerer’s three wishes from the ring, symbolize the limitations we often place on ourselves. Whether through self-doubt, external constraints, or societal expectations.

However, when, with good intent, we activate our chosen Gizmo, and unlock our inner Genie, we tap into boundless creative energy, intuition, and the explosive power to turn our deepest desires into reality.

Essential shift in mindset

This represents a shift in mindset: from believing we are limited in what we can achieve or manifest (three wishes)... to recognizing that we have infinite potential for growth, creativity, and transformation.  In effect, we transform our cosmos into one of extra-ordinary abundance.

End of the free part one.... 

Part two is about A stepped process for manifesting any serious intent. It is for members only.

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