You may or may not have experience in innovating collaboratively. No issue!
In this STEEP Renaissance course, we focus on the insights, tools, techniques, skills, and technologies you need to become a master of collaborative innovation, in a variety of roles, and domains.
More specifically, we also focus on how you can move your business, or another business, progressively in the direction of innovating collaboratively in four forms:
- Get your internal team to collaborate and innovate.
- Form joint ventures with other business owners.
- Set up a Dream Team where you engage in serial innovating.
- Form Strategic Innovation Boards – that foster collaborative innovating – within larger hide-bound corporations.
Two reports - A case study
To orient you to this ‘new’ complex role, and introduce you to a few of the ideas, tools and techniques you will find – drip fed- in this module of STEEP Renaissance, we now provide you with two change management reports – both oriented to kick-starting collaborative innovating.
You are invited to critically review them both. Do your research. Think hard. Talk with colleagues. Return here regularly to continue developing your skills in transforming a business so it innovates collaboratively.
Take action
After your critical review - Why not rewrite the first report?
As part of the final Strategy unit of their MBA, a group of four students two men and two women - were invited to report to the CEO of XYZ Manufacturing, a traditional Australian manufacturing company, how he might transform it into a much more innovative, and collaboratively innovating company.
Here is their rather basic report. Imagine you are a colleague of the Change Manager of the company. The CEO has given the naïve report to you. And asked you how you would make it both more realistic and in the form of a concrete action plan.
As the Change Manager of XYZ manufacturer, tasked with transforming it into a more innovative and collaboratively innovative company, this report provides a concrete action plan based on the previous report provided by the MBA students.
Unlock Your Collaborative Innovation Mastery – Ignite the STEEP Renaissance
Experience a transformative journey towards mastering collaborative innovation, specifically tailored for seasoned SME Founders like you.
Join forces with your tribe of dedicated peers, and together:
- Fortify and future-proof your existing businesses,
- Collaboratively craft a myriad of ground-breaking innovations,
- Innovate distinct business models,
- Make a genuine and positive impact on changing global warming,
- Leverage your revitalized core businesses to spawn add-on joint ventures,
- Tap into new markets, 7+ sources of positive cash flow, and fresh forms of abundance, and
- Pave the way for different and superior futures, by actively participating in the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions, and the emerging STEEP Renaissance.
These modules are meant to be digested in order. The full list of course modules is only available to silver STEEP Renaissance members and above.
Ignite the STEEP Renaissance.
A companion series of experiences and accelerated learning to Mastery of Innovation, with a similar methodology, but very different content.
You have formed your collective of 10-12 SME innovation pioneers. So what is next?
“Secret” advantages that collaborative innovating has over ‘solo’ innovating.
Organizational change, transformational leadership, communication plan, cross-functional innovation team, culture of innovation, training and development program, sustaining the change, continuous improvement, innovative organization, Australian manufacturing