Ignite the STEEP Renaissance.
A companion series of experiences and accelerated learning to Mastery of Innovation, with a similar methodology, but very different content.
Experience a transformative journey towards mastering collaborative innovation, specifically tailored for seasoned SME Founders like you.
Join forces with your tribe of dedicated peers, and together:
- Fortify and future-proof your existing businesses,
- Collaboratively craft a myriad of ground-breaking innovations,
- Innovate distinct business models,
- Make a genuine and positive impact on changing global warming,
- Leverage your revitalized core businesses to spawn add-on joint ventures,
- Tap into new markets, 7+ sources of positive cash flow, and fresh forms of abundance, and
- Pave the way for different and superior futures, by actively participating in the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions, and the emerging STEEP Renaissance.
Genuine diversification
In essence, along with your Dream Team of fellow innovators, with this Mastery of Collaborative Innovation, you embrace genuine diversification, and usher in wholesome, holistic forms of abundance, distinct from the pre-2020 era.
Key Tenets of Collaborative Innovation Mastery
As the Founder of a thriving SME, you've honed your skills in managing a stand-alone enterprise. You've continually innovated and improved internal systems, evolved your business strategies, expanded product ranges, services, experiences, technologies, and IP for your valued customers.
However, the evolving landscape, characterized by global warming, changing energy dynamics, new economic paradigms, and a barrage of disruptive events, demands that you shed the isolation of standing alone; it's too perilous. And it’s unnecessarily lonesome.
Shake-up required
Now, your ability to innovate through collaborating with fellow SMEs, and the effective operation of new add-on joint ventures, necessitates you shake-up your distinct mindsets, attitudes, skill sets, and masteries, so they become different from those your acquired during the establishment and operation of your solo venture.
Importantly, these "new" proficiencies must be cultivated differently from the methodologies employed during your start-up journey. Now, you must assume the role of "Chairman," directing your Diversification Program critically, rather than being the passive "student" or "apprentice" consuming expert advice.
Later as your ventures become businesses, you will again call on your business mastery set of know-how and do-how skills.
Different outcomes
Moreover, any experiential learning processes you embark upon should at the same time furnish you not only with fresh mastery, but also with novel innovations, an invigorated core business, and new collaborative ventures. They must also facilitate your ongoing progression and empower you to bring others along with you.
These diverse learning processes and outcomes are seamlessly woven into this collaborative innovation mastery program.
Ground-breaking Experiences
Nothing at all like a conventional training course, Mastery in Collaborative Innovation is a revolutionary series of immersive experiences. As the Chairman of your Diversification Program, you conduct these in your own “boardroom” with your Innovation Dream Team.
Additionally, you participate as a director in other boards led by your fellow SMEs.
Hands-On and Experiential
- Dive headfirst into the realm of collaborative innovation.
- Co-create the curriculum and embark on collective research.
- Foster discussions, facilitate learning, make informed decisions, and act.
- Translate ideas into tangible innovations and joint ventures.
- Step into your roles as seasoned business leaders while also embracing the mastery of collaborative innovation.
Forge Alliances and Achieve Remarkable Outcomes
- Push the boundaries of your know-how, and do-how.
- Safeguard each other's enterprises against future uncertainties.
- Initiate and share pioneering innovations and collaborative ventures.
- Pool your ideas, resources, client bases, and networks.
- Work through how you share equity in each new venture, and how you adjust equity and cash flows based on the added value contributed by each Dream Team member.
- Confront challenges collectively and attain extraordinary results.

You are at the Vanguard
- Join a select group of 10-12 forward-thinking individuals and SME innovation pioneers.
- Handpick your dedicated Collaborative Innovation Facilitator from a panel of experts.
- Recognize your roles as trailblazers, creators, learners, and mentors to each other.
- Understand that you are the architects of a revolution, shaping the new STEEP Renaissance.
Master Your Craft Without Formal Degrees
- Attain advanced collaborative innovation skills.
- Belong to a dynamic tribe of SME innovators.
- Co-own a comprehensive online-offline course crafted collectively.
- Embark on innovative projects with unwavering confidence.
Become a Part of the Collaborative Innovation Mastery Team
Reach out to Neville Christie
Neville Christie is the Founder of the STEEP Renaissance Network - neville@nevillechristie.com. Use "INNOVATION MASTERY TEAM" in capital letters as the subject line.
When you contact Neville, he will send you an important report on the entrepreneurial behaviours that are okay within a stand-alone business; but which can become highly destructive if transferred to collaborative endeavours of SMEs with 10-12 employees.

Collaborative Innovation Mastery, STEEP Renaissance, SME Founders, Innovate, Diversification, Innovation Dream Team, Joint Ventures, Global Warming, 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions, Transformation, Trailblazers, Advanced Skills, Neville Christie, STEEP Renaissance Network.