Seven reviews to conduct with your team of collaborating SMEs

What is next?

You have formed your collective of 10-12 SME innovation pioneers. So what is next?

These are seven initial reviews you might decide to conduct, as a newly formed team of collaborating SMEs:

  1. Clarify and record the key business talents, skills know-how, and do-how each team member already has, that are relevant to innovating collaboratively, and to getting the innovations successfully to market.
  2. Research and agree the new masteries your Dream Team members must have must or acquire for your collaborative innovating to succeed.
  3. Develop and agree the core principles you might turn into operating principles.
  4. Take a traditional training outline as a starting point, pull it apart and recreate it in ways that motivate you and are relevant to you, and to your other team members.
  5. Create an evolving Intangible and Tangible Asset Register of resources the group owns and can share.
  6. Assess the “secret” advantages that collaborative innovating has over ‘solo’ innovating.
  7. Use the know-how inherent in the group, to develop and document processes of how essential innovation masteries will be developed, and how these ‘steps’ can eventually be incorporated into the shared training course that is one major output of the Dream Team Working together.

Start your journey! 

To assist you get a flavour of these seven starting points here are guides your facilitator might provide you with.

Learn about Review 1

During 2024, the core team of STEEP Renaissance will launch the first trial version of “Mastery of Collaborative Innovation”. 

If you might like to participate, let us know and how you and your business can contribute.

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